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  1. Beefing up my clean up crew

    Sorry if this is a double post. I had a post all ready to go then I accidentally navigated away from the site and poof the post was gone.

    Anyway, as I've posted previously, I'm really making an effort to get the hair algae under control in my 29 so it doesn't get transferred to the 75. To those ends I've changed the type of food I'm feeding from Ocean Nutrition Formula TWO Marine Pellets to Rod's Foods Original (wanted the Fish Only but the only "lfs" (1 1/2 hours away) ...
    Tank Entry , ‎ New Additions
  2. the millepora arrived today! + a freebee

    Late last week I put 4 bids on ebay for some millepora which no one carries locally, I bid a low enough amount to where I was willing to take a gamble but I wasn't going to go big I also decided that if i was going to win one I better win at least 2 so I got reduced shipping cost. As of last Sunday I won 4 millepora at an average of 6.00 each plus shipping and they all arrived today alive and the "hair" tentacle things are already showing on most of them (more than I ever saw on any other ...
  3. Helfrichi, plural. Redux.

    A year ago, I tried purchasing three of these beautiful firefish. It didn't go well. Business is good, so I figured I'd try once more. I ordered three more for my reef, which arrived today.

    I'd been up all night and kind of felt like I should stay up all day to get stuff done, but even a three hour nap would be better than no sleep at all. At 9:45am, the doorbell rang with the Fedex guy standing box in hand. He told me he was glad I was here, because what was he going to do with ...
    Tags: firefish
    New Additions
  4. i bought a new friend today

    Finally i was able to find a berghia nudibranch to combat the Aiptasia population in my tank.

    this little guy cost me 30bucks which is quite expensive, however it is well needed as Aiptasia are beginning to spread from my clam to my rocks and sand bed... i dripped this little guy for about 30min then set him in! I went to pour a cup of coffee and he was gone, i have no idea where he went, i gave up after about an hour of searching for him…the waiting begins

    Contrary to ...

    Updated 03-14-2012 at 04:40 PM by baker.shawn

    New Additions
  5. millepora light question

    Currently I am running a 6 bulb t5 setup at 54 watts a piece on a 48' long 75 gallon that hand about 3" above the water. I have always wanted and have tried on a few occasions to keep your standard acropora and millepora with no positive results to report all parameters are reading good, nitrate, phosphate, ammonia, mag, calc, dkh but I keep reading that rapid bleaching (which is what I keep experiencing) is caused by too much light and too little light results in browning and discoloration. ...
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