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  1. DFWMAS November Frag Swap

    Last weekend, our club had it's semi-annual frag swap. This one is open to members and guests. One thing that I've noticed over the years is how progressive these events are becoming. The first few that I attended, you had corals in about a cup of water in a ziplock bag, lying on a table. If you were lucky, the name and price was written on the bag with a sharpie. A couple of people would go to a lot of trouble to bag their corals up in a professional manner, floating their corals upside down ...
  2. Baby Dolphin story

    Have y'all heard about this baby dolphin rescue in Uruguay? I had not, but here's the article with lots of beautiful pictures. The dolphin was well cared for, but simply didn't make it. His penguin mascot was sad to lose his new friend. Here's the link:
  3. HD Video - life in our oceans

    I stumbled across this video, courtesy Tal Sweet today. Had to share it with my fellow addicts.

    Love the quality!
  4. Working around the Marineland 400g tank

    Now that the tank is here, I'm able to get more of the fishroom completed. You'd think the tank would be in the way, but without it on site, it is nearly impossible to finalize the room that surrounds it.

    Last week, more wiring was completed. Then the 265g water container was brought in so the last wall could be studded up.

    Tank Entry