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Questions - Need some input

I have questions that need answers.

  1. Elos alkalinity testing method? Fritz bi-carbonate the right product? I don't get it.

    Strange mystery with my reef for the past 48-72 hours. It started about three days ago when I observed all the anemones in the Anemone cube shriveling up as if they were spawning. The tank didn't look cloudy though.

    What I'd done prior to this event was replace the CO2 tank to my calcium reactor which had evaporated in less than two weeks due to some leak, more than likely. Since a lack of CO2 existed for at least a day, the pH in the calcium reactor rose from the normal ...
  2. Any reason not to get a Calcium Reactor?

    Any reason not to get a Calcium Reactor?
    Other then money...

    I've always done 2-Part, and have dosing pumps... The tanks demand is light for the moment, because I'm still getting corals. The trace elements and automaton perk my interests. - A Kalk reactor did come to mind for the mid-step. But I read too many tank disasters involving Kalk OD's ... Unless I'm missing something that seems kind of impossible with a calcium reactor.

    If I do this, we're not holding any ...
    Questions - Need some input , ‎ Equipment
  3. Blue Life Phosphate RX dosing?

    Just to clarify heres the directions on the container,

    Six drops of Phosphate Control will lower your phosphate by 1 ppm (mg/L) for every 10 gallons (37.9 liters) of water.

    Does that mean 1.0 ppm or .01ppm?

    My phos is testing at .04 on Hanna and I was going to dose 72 drops.

    My tank volume minus rocks and sand is 120 gallons, so 6 drops X 12 = 72 drops to drop my phos by .01?
  4. Brine Shrimp hatching?

    Does anybody still hatch there own Brine Shrimp? Melev, I was reading on your site that you once did.

    I was thinking of buying a cheap hatchery and adding them to my tank once in a while.
    Questions - Need some input , ‎ Tank Entry , ‎ Feeding
  5. 36" or 48" T5 Fixture?

    So if I go back the T5 route I know I am gonna with 6 bulbs but should I go with a 36" Sunpower or 48" on my 90. I wanna have enough light to keep sps as well.
    Questions - Need some input , ‎ Tank Entry , ‎ Lighting
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