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Questions - Need some input

I have questions that need answers.

  1. Bluelife Phosphate Rx

    I am curious if Bluelife Phosphate Rx is a good means of controlling phosphate? I know a few of you guys on here dose this. Would it be a cost effective means?

    Could it replace GFO?

    Also I noticed they only sell it in 1 oz bottles. How many drops would be in a bottle?

    Thanks guys.
  2. Slow growth?

    So I've noticed since I restarted this tank which has been almost exactly a year, slow growth. And I am having trouble with LPS all of a sudden. Most of them are receding. I'm wondering if I am running too much light on my system?

    50 3w Leds half royal blue half cool white
    Blue is at 80% intensity
    White 100% intensity
    Run for 8 hrs a bit more if you count the ramp up and down.
    3 inches off the surface with no optics

    Here are also my parameters, ...
  3. Clown fish advise

    How many clown fish can go into a 195 gallon tank? I have one that's 9 years old and one that's about 3 years old. I would like to get 2 black ice clowns. Is it possible to have 4 in my tank
  4. brn clove polyp out of control!!!

    How do I get rid of these things the y r taking over my tank they are all over every piece of rock I have in the tank. I am thinking of taking the rock out and letting it set outside till summer unless someone can suggest something else I can do. plz I need help with this!!
  5. Sump Ideas

    Good Afternoon fellow Reef Addicts.

    I mentioned last week that I would be writing about my sump placement at some point in the future. I like to experiment with sumps and equipment, I love refugiums, the idea of experimenting with cryptic zones or algae turf scrubbers, so I really didn't like the idea of trying to cram everything in the stand under the 24" x 24" aquarium stand. It's also harder to access and clean the equipment under there. I am extremely annoyed by salt creep, ...
    Questions - Need some input , ‎ Plumbing , ‎ Equipment
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