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For absolute emergencies only

  1. Put avatars and profile pics up people!!

    Do you guys enjoy looking at bubble algae and aiptasia in your tanks? NO?! Well I don't enjoy seeing it on my website either LOL!!! Be creative and upload an avatar AND a profile pic! KTHXBAI

    You can do this by clicking "Messages" at the top and go down on the left-hand sidebar to "edit avatar" and "edit profile picture" and tada! No more bubble algae
    NEED HELP STAT! , ‎ Humour
  2. Which Test kit to buy...for No3 and Po4...?

    Hi ,
    I am up to purchase New Phosphate (PO4) and Nitrate (NO3) test kit.

    I got three kind of product on line:

    Hanna Pocket Photometer Phosphate
    Hanna Phosphate Photometer Low Range
    Hanna Checker Nitrite Ultra Low Range

    Elos Phosphate Kit.
    Elos Nitrate (NO3) Kit.

    LaMotte Low Range Nitrate Test Kit
    LaMotte Phosphate Test Kit.

    Which one do you recommend me to buy ...
  3. Time to pull that trigger!

    by , 09-30-2010 at 11:52 AM (T.I.B.E.T (The Incredibly Big Expensive Tank))
    I got the final OK to re-quote the tanks (sump and display). So now I'm starting on the process of approaching each and every company on my list for a new quote for the tanks. The goal is to have both tanks in the house before the holidays, so we're leaving a lot of lead time to get those panes of 10.5ft glass. I have 5 places to get quotes from now; all glass, and there is now even a guy who I've heard (through the grapevine so it needs to be confirmed) that will warranty his work!

  4. SPS grows like MAD and than RTN's

    This has been going on now for like a month. My tank is a 140 shallow reef tank with T5's. I have two 6100 tunzes for water movement. Run the lights from 4:30 to 11:30. I have a total water volume of 260. I have two 30 gallon breeder tanks plumbed into for sps frag tanks. These are full of water but no corals in them at this moment.
    Water parameters are as follows
    ph 8.4
    Ca 380
    Alk 8
    NO3 15
    NO2 0
    NH3 0
    temps. swing .3 degrees of 77 ...
  5. Tank poisoned somehow??

    In the past 6 months my tank has been going through a slow death. All normal parameters are normal so it's been very puzzling. The only thing left to do that I hope will resolve this is to take everything out of the sump (fuge, rubble, etc.) and give it a good cleaning and leave it bare afterwards. I have had RTN, STN, Polyp bale out, etc and am at a complete loss. I have lost many of my favorites with over 30 colonies and countless small pieces gone so I am not a happy camper in regards to my reef ...

    Updated 07-20-2010 at 02:06 AM by melev

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