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  1. 245 & 180 Gallon Display and Breeding Room - Latest progess

    I just realized that I hadn't posted any updates to this project since Thanksgiving. I guess I will start with the punch line and move back from their. As of right now I have both the 180G Reef and the 245G tank set up and running with my ASM G6 skimmer, heaters, and 100G Rubbermaid sump. I still have to install my Vortecs, calcium reactor, and carbon reactor but at least I have thing up and running. Here are the latest full tank shots.

    180G Reef Tank

  2. Plumbing Store Online???

    Hello all,

    Whats your favorite Plumbing Store(s) online? Am looking to find 3/4 or 1 inch Barbed connector to a Union , and or a Ball valve or other valve assembly.

    Tags: plumbing
    Questions - Need some input , ‎ Plumbing
  3. I'm alive, I swear!

    by , 01-20-2011 at 01:46 PM (T.I.B.E.T (The Incredibly Big Expensive Tank))
    I'm alive, and so is Tibet. I've just been disgustingly busy lately and its not been favorable for the tank.

    Just a quick update with some camera shots to keep the build alive. Tibet is now fully finished and fully cured. I'm just waiting on a few orders to come in to plug up the holes to do the first official water test.

    Hack January 2011 FTS. Note all the bulkheads! Only missing 4 now. I cleaned out one of my LFSs on boxing day, and they still didn't have enough in ...
  4. Rough Waters.

    Had a casualty today. Lost a 6-lined wrasse to my LTA, after only four hours of being introduced into the tank. I think the wrasse was trying to pick a piece of krill from the LTA's disc and got himself stuck.
    Also, I'm going to have to find a new home for one of my clowns, theyre fighting very aggressively and one has retreated to a corner and is losing color.
    Tried moving the LR around, turning the lights off, introducing new stock, almost everything I could think of to cause some ...
  5. New Tank Build - Coming Soon!

    Just purchased a 150 Gal tank off Craig's List today. I'm picking it up Friday afternoon. The tank is 7' x 1.5' x 2', so same cross section as my current 65 Gal freshwater tank, but 4' longer! It comes with a pretty nice, very strong looking stand that is only 24" tall, this will work well since it will located along a short wall giving me close to 2 feet above for lighting. And also making for easy maintenance and viewing from couch height. This will be long, slow build as I have to make some ...

    Updated 01-20-2011 at 12:57 AM by Alaska_Phil (Adding Photos)

    Tank Entry , ‎ New Additions , ‎ DIY projects