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  1. Macro shots from tonight

    I recently made some Top Down Photo Boxes, so I had one handy to take a few pictures. I'll be far happier to share pictures from the new clean tank set up, compared to these holding vats. I've got no space, there are various issues that ruin the shots, and sadly I've lost some corals due to fluctuations in water quality during all of my travels over the past 3.5 months since the 280g was broken down.

    This first shot is from the propagation section in my sump. These are tiny Green ...
  2. adjustment issues w/mystery wrasse

    Soooo. I bought a fairly juvenile mystery wrasse a couple wks ago whose been continuously tormented by my four line wrasse. The similar appearance of the wrasses is one thing that I had overlooked when purchasing my animated newcomer. I also have an exquisite wrasse who seems to pay no attention to his new acquantence. I'm hoping that my four line wrasse's territorial behavior is only temporary and that the mystery wrasse will condition this unwelcoming behavior enough to survive. Any suggestions?

    Updated 10-21-2010 at 01:55 PM by melev

    Questions - Need some input
  3. 101 Marine Aquarium Tips

    I thought I would share these tips, some of you may have seen these before. A friend of mine emailed them to me a couple days ago. He said they were emailed to him from one of his friends that claimed to have copied them from a forum post from another website. I don't know who the original author is: Lord knows I don't have time to sit and copy all this stuff.

    I can't post them all at once, max characters per post is 10,000 so I'll have to break this up... (this is going to be a pain)

    Updated 10-21-2010 at 12:03 AM by mledford

    Water Chemistry , ‎ Electrical , ‎ Feeding , ‎ Lighting , ‎ New Additions
  4. New Additions

    So over the last two weeks I've added some new critters. I joined PMAS and found that the local forums are a good place to buy livestock on the cheap.

    Monti caps (Green, purple, orange) - 10$ each
    Frogspawn (2 heads) - 10$
    Hammer (3 heads) - 10$

    2-3" GBTA - 10$

    I got the monti caps last week to kind of "test" the water, they are starting to encrust on the rocks a little and havnt browned out, which is a good sign that my nutrients ...
    Tank Entry , ‎ New Additions