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  1. DIY - Carbon Filtering Skimmer Lid LOTS OF PICS

    Hello everyone, hope you've all had a happy new year !

    I as I'm sure many others do have my tank setup in my bedroom, and sometimes the smell of the rotting goo in the protein skimmer collection cup creates quite a funk that has been getting quite noticeable in my room

    This clearly needed fixing, and after a bit of research I happened upon a few prebuilt skimmer lids with carbon chambers to filter the air and absorb the smell from the skimmate. But I couldn't ...
    Plumbing , ‎ New Additions , ‎ DIY projects
  2. More concrete work... urgh!

    Dragging my feet on this project because frankly I've never done it before and didn't relish the idea of having to deal with it, I filled in where the concrete floor was too low. This was an important hurdle in my eyes, and I was dreading it. In the end, it wasn't awful, but then again I'm not entirely done. Here's how it went.

    The metal stand is up on shims to get the stand and tank completely level. The slab was down nearly 1" at one corner, and any water spills would inevitably ...
    Tank Entry , ‎ DIY projects
  3. Sea Hare

    A few months ago I got a Sea Hare to help with cleanup duties... After 2 weeks it died... My wife loved the little guy and looked for it every day... I have learned they can be difficult to keep, with a very high death rate... I have researched the web and can't find any good info on how to keep it living other than good water quality and that is still no guarantee of success... Any insight would be helpful... Thanks

    Updated 01-05-2011 at 11:51 PM by melev

    Questions - Need some input
  4. Whats the current thought to adding sand/substrate in building a Reef Tank

    In recap; I'm putting together a 120 gallon reef with a sump. I currently have about 80 to 100lbs of Crushed Coral/Argonite from when this tank was a Cichlid/African Lake tank. My LFS owner suggested I go with maybe a 1/2 inch of the Argonite/crushed coral and then add 80 to 120 lbs of Live sand on top of the substrate. Is that necessary? Can the reef survive without Live sand??? whats everyones thoughts??? can I just re-use the CC/Argonite??? I've boiled all the Crushed Coral to clean it. ...

    Updated 01-05-2011 at 01:35 PM by 1AaronTravels (added more info...)

    Questions - Need some input
  5. Kissing chromies should I be worried

    Hey guys. I've got a weird question! Two of my three chromies are kissing alot. It's really the only way I can describe what they are doing. It's not like a peck but more like they are in highschool sucking face. It's really weird. It's almost to the point where I have to sit my son down and have the birds and the bees talk. HELP!!!!!!!

    Updated 01-05-2011 at 11:52 PM by melev

    Questions - Need some input
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