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  1. Hmmm...

    I must be a glutton for punishment. I keep looking at the new fishroom's ceiling, and I think I want to pull down the old sheetrock entirely for new. If I do that, all the snow-like (and not so snow-like) insulation is absolutely going to fall down around me. I just think it will look a lot better overall with brand new sheets. The room is around 9' x 12' so I'm looking at 4 sheets on the ceiling, plus getting that insulation up there or buying more to replace it. The white stuff isn't old ...

    Updated 10-07-2010 at 10:14 PM by melev

    Tags: sheetrocking
    DIY projects
  2. Swapped out my 75 for a nano

    Swapped out the 75 for this nano. College is sucking up a lot of time and money.

    Updated 10-07-2010 at 09:58 PM by melev

    Tank Entry
  3. The Long Wall goes up

    In August of 2004, I had to erect a couple of walls to enclose the fishroom for the 280g. Today, I had to do it again. I expected it to go much more smoothly since I have a nice flat slab to work on, but for whatever reason, the ceiling in my garage varies and of course my concrete isn't perfectly smooth apparently.

    This part can't be done without an assistant, and so I waited until Bobby could come over. The goal was to get the framework up and then have him get the new sub-panel ...
    Tank Entry