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  1. Testing 40 extra long

    So I am in the beginning stages of starting my next system. I have always been intrigued by trying to simulate a more natural water flow and now I will start testing a different size tank. I got some free glass and made a quick mock up system to see what I might want in the final design.

    I have searched online to try to find similar sizes with vortechs running and could not really come up with much so I had to make my own.

    The main power will come from a MP10es, which ...

    Updated 01-11-2011 at 03:03 PM by melev

    Tank Entry
  2. Get my ammonia down to zero. Finally.

    So the 75 is making progress.

    Here are the details.
    Amonia. 2.4 eek.
    Salinity 1.028 ugh
    Ph. 8.3 haven't had a chance to clock the swing. That will happen tom I'll be home all day.
    Calcium. 480
    Nitrite. .01
    Phosphates. .25
    Iron. .01

    I dosed a double dose of ammonia down. After 3 days of single dozing. I'm using sachem prime water conditioner. It continues to drop slowly. I'm gonna do a water change tom. Only thing is my return ...

    Updated 01-11-2011 at 02:27 PM by melev

    Water Chemistry
  3. Algae Bloom

    Hi all, I had an infestation of flat worms and after treating the tank for those I now have a significant algae bloom. It has been over a month now and I have done two large water changes and all of my water tests are at good levels. but I have a lot of red and green algae and even some of the brown algae on the sand bed.
    Any idea of what is going on? or what I can test for? My skimmer is working well, I am not sure what is going on.


    Updated 01-09-2011 at 06:13 PM by melev

    Questions - Need some input
  4. Goodbye Finger Leather

    Well I switched lights a couple months back from a 150W hanging pendant to a 150W fixture with legs so about 8" closer to the tanks surface. On top of that the old bulb was wicked old. Knowing it was a new bulb, closer to the surface, i assumed it would be a shock to all the corals so i adjusted my photoperiod accordingly. Most of my corals adjusted fine, except for my finger leather which blacked over. I know they shed the outer layer but apparently it just never recovered because this is ...
    Tank Entry