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  1. Saturday night... here's the latest

    I received an email from Marineland on Friday that informed me the trucking company would contact me Monday for pickup. I hope they pick it up that same day, since it is 100% ready and road-worthy. I ended up putting a tarp over the crate as we had stormy weather Wednesday and Thursday, thanks to a suggestion by one person here on RA. It'll be nice to have that gone.

    Working in the 215g isn't what I'd consider easy. There's not much space above the tank, and the huge cross brace ...
    Tank Entry
  2. Nano Zoa garden is such a boring title for a blog!

    I can't think of a suitable title for my blog so I will write my 'inane scribblings of a lunatic' then think up a title. At present I have 2 small quarantine tanks and no display tank. I had to shut down my 4'x2'x2' due to moving to a flat with wooden floors. I will be moving again in the next few months hopefully to ground floor accommodation. Not only do I want a larger system again I'm disabled so stairs are a problem. A flat is what we Brits call an apartment. so, why am I on an American ...
    Tags: goby, led, nano, tmc, zoa
    Tank Entry
  3. Macna

    I couldn't help myself... Lol!