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  1. Grand Idea

    So my wife is between semesters right now in college and only interns one day a week. She has now taken it upon herself to redo our office. This is a small room that has some terrible carpet and just plain pain walls. She has already ripped the carpet up and discovered what we though, nice wood floor that matches the hallway, although a little beaten up and scratched(I will sand it another time). She has already painted one coat on the room after filling all the minor holes in the wall and dents. ...
  2. Button polyps not liking me..

    Hey everyone.... just thought I would post this as I don't have too many reefing friends I can share information with. I bought my new lights about a month ago (6x T5's).. basically went from about 40 to 234 watts..
    Anyways, my putton polyps were looking pretty nice before, and the first day I had the actinics on, but then started going downhill from there.. (have a pic on my profile)
    I have tried moving them down and too the side, and now i am using something to shade some of the light ...

    Updated 01-12-2010 at 12:23 PM by melev

    Tank Entry
  3. Blue sparkles/lights in sump when adding RO

    I should have made my first ever post something better but this was pretty cool. Tonight when I added the topoff water to my sump the were a few at first, then tons, then tapered back off, of blue lights/sparkles everywhere. Has anyone noticed this before?

    Updated 01-12-2010 at 01:09 PM by melev

    Random Thoughts
  4. Tank profile/more lighting questions

    This is my second post. My first was about lighting. My current set up is a 55g fish only tank right now(due to lack of necessary lighting), and I have a CPR hang on the back refugium/skimmer which is 4.7gallons. Nitrates are <1ppm with this set up and I am pretty happy. As far as the lighting goes, I think I am gonna go with T5's. My specific question is will an 8x54watt fixture be too much for my tank? I just want to be able to keep sps and lps. I will try to post pics soon.
    Tank - Full Summary , ‎ Lighting
  5. Aquascape Redo

    Excuse the pics, gotta play with this camera. Pics are looking "washed out", when I actually turned off half the T5s for this shot

    Updated 01-12-2010 at 12:31 PM by melev

    Tank Entry
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