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  1. The newly improved editor

    You probably noticed when typing something new on RA, there's more features than ever. Here's a video provided by vBulletin showing some of the options.

  2. Arrival & Construction of my Avast Marine Works "You Build" MR5 Media Reactor.

    So I received my Avast Marine Works "You Build" MR5 Media Reactor. I am so impressed with the kit that I am going to buy about 3 more reactors and their Kalkwasser Stirrer! Construction was amazingly simple (the instructional video on the website was great). After about 15 minutes of construction the unit was completely assembled and is now sitting for the final curing stage. Ample tubing was included with the reactor as well as a valve for controlling the water flow. I honestly say ...
    Equipment , ‎ DIY projects
  3. To catch you up on some newsy stuff while the site was down...

    Let me start off with a random happening first of all. When I was cleaning the filter socks a few weeks ago, I dumped the bleach-water solution out on the deck. Well, it appears that a squirrel was under the deck since his entire body is now white while his tail is bushy brown still. Crazy, but true.

    At MACNA, I got my very first plastic jug. All these years I've used the water cooler bottles, so this ...
    Tank Entry
  4. Welcome (back) to Reef Addicts 2.0

    The website was taken down due to a serious infestation of SPAM. If you were following along on Facebook, I was posting updates daily. We updated our software to the latest version, which was key to locking down potential security leaks. To make this happen, the entire site had to be rebuilt from the ground up, and I want to thank Ed for doing his webmaster magic to reassemble everything so our site would work correctly. He removed over 25,000 spam-based blog entries!

    Some things ...

    Updated 09-23-2011 at 12:08 AM by melev

    Tags: upgrade
    News - local, national, & world
  5. Purple test

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