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  1. Elos is finally cycled

    Both of my tanks actually are finally cycled!

    The 17 gallon stabilized a few weeks ago and since then I've added my orange and darwin clown pair, and a small flame hawkfish. Most of you might think a hawkfish is not suitable for such a small tank but I like to push the envelope. He's not cramped at all and he loves all the perching spots, including my mag-float that I have resting horizontally. The 17g has also had a cyano outbreak, from the post-cycle or from overfeeding. Another ...
  2. How to use Reef Addicts for the RA challenged?

    LOL, I am Reef Addict challenged. I understand what Marc is trying to do and be different, but I am so used to forums that I cannot find my way around RA. I am so confused. I can make a post (blog) and find them on my profile, but everything else seems so random on the site. I need someone (Marc?) to come to Memphis and show me how this place works...... LOL I guess old forum habits die hard.......
  3. Pre-filters. . . something got me thinking.

    Ok so I was out doing some stuff yesterday at Home Depot and Wal-mart and since my sediment filter is really looking rusty already thought about picking up a cheap one and swap it out. Anyway got to looking and the one I saw available at Home Depot was like 30 microns which seems way high and the ones at Wal-mart are Dupont brand but have absolutely no information on them. So I put in an e-mail to Dupont to try and get the information and while I am at it figured why not put together some information ...