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  1. Bio-pellets and phosphates

    I started a blog on my local club site about using bio-pellets but I thought I see if more people are using them here. I haven't used them long, I only started 9-5-10, but I think I have already seen some positive results. When I started my phosphate levels (on a hanna meter) were 0.29ppm. I have the pellets in a bulk-reef supply reactor that seems to be working fairly well. At first I thought I was going to have some issues with clogging since the pellets stopped tumbling for several days. ...
    Water Chemistry
  2. Basic Frag Tank

    I know this subject has been discussed probably more than anyone can count, but I need to be sure on this. I have been fighting Maidens Hair, for almost a year now and it seems as though you simply can not kill this stuff while it's in the water. So I want to remove my coral, what I can save that is, and then remove my rock and nuke it.

    I have a 55 gal w/ a PM R30 fuge and a PM 100 skimmer. I have 7 small fish, 2 sand stars, 2 conchs, and 1 long tentacle anemone,plus the usual clean ...
  3. Another testimonial for "pegging" method of mounting frags

    I just upgraded to a bigger tank over the summer, and when looking into building my new aquascape Marc had mentioned that I should look up "pegging" and sent me a link. In a nutshell, you drill small holes all over your rock and mount your frags on rigid airline tubing pieces about an inch long. Drop the frag in one of your rock holes, and you're done. You can easily move them around all you want until they encrust over the connection. I decided to give this a try and loved the flexibility ...