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Hello not really sure if i have this in the right category.Just joined the forum and thought i should tell you a little bit of my history.I have been battling the reefing bug for 25 years now and in the last year have gotten my fiance hooked "another victim".Last year i got Joyce started with a 14 gallon cube with a DSB and 25 lbs of live rock and a couple of softie corals.Well within 4 months that turned into 29 gallon reef ready with a DSB another fish or two and a few more guys added to the clean up crew.That tank had a custom built 10 gallon acrylic sump and 7 gallon refugium for macro algae grow out.This past christmas that was flipped into a twim forty gallon breeder system.The upper tanker houses three false peculas clowns two of which are tending there first batch of eggs and a scooter blennie as well as a bunch of mixed reef corals and 75 lbs of live rock on a 3 to 4 inch sand bed. The lower tank is what i call a display sump housing a crashbox bubble trap,protein skimmer and phosban reactor.We also have another 25 to 30 lbs of live rock in there.And a few creatures that were banned from the display 1 nasty yellow damsel a gorrila crab and a chocolate chip starfish we rescued.There is also a good little clean up crew in the sump.
Thanks and happy tanks to you all......................matt

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  1. Jaxom's Avatar
    Welcome to Reef Addicts Matt, you've joined in with a pretty passionate group of reefers who seem not to believe anything anyone says unless pictures accompany said entry. Looking forward to hearing more about your reefing adventures, again Welcome to Reef Addicts..
  2. Sumpmonkey's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Jaxom
    Welcome to Reef Addicts Matt, you've joined in with a pretty passionate group of reefers who seem not to believe anything anyone says unless pictures accompany said entry. Looking forward to hearing more about your reefing adventures, again Welcome to Reef Addicts..
    Thanks for the welcome glad to hear it.When i get up on my soapbox and start preaching reef i try to remember to tell people I'm not an a&&hole just a passionate idiot.And i know what you mean i have actually seen stuff i built for people on DIY boards claimed as there own.will try to get some pics up here soon
    thanks and happy tanks to ya...............
  3. Jaxom's Avatar
    LOL Matt, I think it's more ............... I'll believe it when I see it mentality ............... . Looking forward to seeing your pictures and updates on what you are working on.
  4. melev's Avatar
    I too want to see your stolen ideas.
  5. Sumpmonkey's Avatar
    I too want to see your stolen ideas
    Hi Marc hello nice to hear back from you.I don't really think of them as stolen ideas but if you build something for someone they should give credit to the designer or builder.Over the years I can't remember how many times I've been told that's such a cool idea.And quite a few times it been one of your ideas or just something i saw online and tweaked a little.But i try to always direct the interested party back to the original info source whether that be GARF,LIVING REEFS, MELEVSREEF or just a post on some obscure website.But i do have a couple things on the burner right now and will be happy to share once they come full circle.Right now just trying to figure out how to load pics on your site think i might need to update mozzila firefox.Will work more on that later don't worry Jaxom pics of the tank are coming soon even with embarrassing diatom bloom............................................. Like this site so i think i will stick around.Still trying to figure it out though little different than the simple machine forums that I'm on
    Thanks and happy tanks to you all...............................................
    Updated 03-19-2011 at 07:57 AM by Sumpmonkey
  6. melev's Avatar
    I didn't see a reason to set up another forum with the abundance of them out there. So this one is different, not unlike me.

    When you want to add pictures, it depends on your browser. If you use Chrome, when you click the clipart that looks like a framed picture, it wants you to use a URL (from Photobucket, for example) to share them. If you use Firefox, you can share them from your computer directly, and your image is hosted here on Reef Addicts; or use Photobucket. You have two choices.

    And I agree with you, give credit where it's due.