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I see the light at the end of the tunnel... I think

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Hey everyone

So in the past 3 weeks I have finally added a protein skimmer and started using RO/DI water.. its hard to tell if things are better yet but I know my mushrooms and buttons arent doing super well yet.. Now my concern is my lights.. The green algae is growing still pretty fast.. My T5s are a little over a year old now.. Do you think that would help the nusance algae to grow and polyps to look bad?
Especially the algae.. the polyps have not been looking good for a while

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  1. marks69's Avatar
    i thought the spectrum of the bulbs changes over time. probably due for a change.
  2. melev's Avatar
    I would agree. When T5s came out, every vendor promoted them as 2 year bulbs. However, it wasn't long after that that people in Europe were changing them out at 9 months. I believe one year is about as long as they last (useful life), based on what I'm reading online.
  3. TheBChamp's Avatar
    Yeah eh.. that sucks.. cause the light still works.. lol. It would be interesting to test that.
  4. Sam11909's Avatar
    They will work but you will always have more algae than you would have with new bulbs. 9 months sounds about right for the spectrum life time of the bulb.