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I definitely just missed the coolest video :(

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So I've found something interesting over the past week and a half or so. Tonight was probably the coolest part of it all, and low and behold the camera on my 'refurbished replacement evo 4g' they just bestowed upon me the other week after they broke mine replacing the LCD is completely non functional kept me from recording it.

My tank is fishless right now. During the transition, I had an ich outbreak and couldn't get the QT up and going fast enough to save them. All my corals and inverts are fine, but I lost my 2 black and white clownfish, my royal gramma and the scooter blenny was the only survivor. He's now in the QT setup and is fine as he never really had much of an outbreak, so I'm waiting to get 2-3 more fish and put them all through hypo at once.

During this time, I've found that my RBTA I picked up a few weeks ago has procured a host. A green emerald crab... literally with the RBTA 85% of the time I look into the tank. He's not bothering it all, the anemone comes out, expands, and the crab tucks right up under it's mantle and hangs out. I'm still feeding the tank some for the inverts in there, and target feeding the anemone, brittle star and a few corals.

2 days ago I fed the anemone a krill, and today he was... well taking a #2 right as I walked back in the room and was extruding it all... but some was stuck to what I would basically consider it's guts... the white stringy bits. They were out about an inch and a half... 2 inches and left there hanging, for the crab to clean them off. I literally watched an emerald crab clean off the guts of my RBTA, never pulling on the anemones guts, and after they were clean the anemone sucked them back in, and 20 minutes later reinflated right back like he was and the emerald crab tucked right back in under it as usual.

It's funny how I never had success getting clownfish to host anything in my tank, yet end up with an unusual pairing like this, that I haven't even seen anytime before.

Regardless though... I'll be back to the sprint store yet again tomorrow for them to fix the phone for the 4th time in like 3 months now... which is sad because I never had any problems at all with my old phone until they screwed it up replacing a dead pixel in the lcd screen... which wasn't even bothersome. I should've left it be.

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  1. Robb in Austin's Avatar
    Cool! I've seen my emeralds under the outer edge of my BTA from time to time but never seen them cleaning it. Of course, the clowns might have some say in that.

    Would love to see the video. Sorry to hear about your fish though.
  2. melev's Avatar
    Good luck getting a good working phone. You'd think they'd have that down by now, considering how many of us use smart phones.

    Sounds like a unique symbiotic relationship.
  3. Midnight's Avatar
    Marc, where do you find all these animations at?
  4. melev's Avatar
    I collect them as I come across 'em. Then I host them on my site to use when it fits the situation.

  5. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    I've got an emerald crab that likes to hang out under the edge of my frogspawn.
  6. dread240's Avatar
    Didn't make it to the sprint store today, but he's as usual, tucked up with the anemone.

    I wonder if the reason I'm seeing it is because... well I don't have any other fish in the system or anything. Either way, they're kinda like my first paired group I've ever had in my tanks, so I'm happy with it
  7. MarcG's Avatar
    I just found my emerald crab hosting in my Pink/Purple Birdsnest. Probably trying to hide from my wrasses.