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Stocking help for the 75g

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The QT tank should finally be cycled this week hopefully... and I'm trying to decide what I'm doing as far as fish this time around.

The tank will not be screened, but I do have a canopy going around it with fans shielded from the inside/out and mesh across the back, so I'm thinking I should be ok with some jump happy type critters like my old mandarin that decided to go hardwood floor surfing from the 29g. There's about a 3/4" gap from the top of the canopy to the light fixture, so they'd have to have some pretty impeccable aim to make it through it.

1 purple fire fish
1 darwin black ocellaris
Yellow Eye Kole Tang
Eventually once the tank matures a bit more, another green mandarin.

Other then that I'm kind of stumped. The wife really wants a blue tang, but I'm not sure how well he'd do in a 75g, even though I have a very open aquascape for him to swim around in. Any other good suggestions?

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Updated 02-15-2011 at 09:35 PM by dread240

Questions - Need some input


  1. Robb in Austin's Avatar
    I think you need a blenny of some type.

    I have a pair of Clarkii, 6 line, lawnmower, tailspot, royal gramma, 2 blue reef chromis, 1 green chromis, Lamarck's female angel, and just added a sailfin in mine. I think I'm full now.
  2. dread240's Avatar
    I kinda like blennies, but in the same aspect I don't want competition for the mandarin. If I see the mandarin eating prepared foods, then I'll get a blenny for the tank too, just not going to put the mandarin at risk until I know for sure