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Black Silicone on my Oceanic Ultimate RR tank

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Hey Guys and Gals,
I was wondering if black or clear silicone goes bad after a certain amount of time. I bought a brand new 120gal Oceanic Ultimate Series RR tank with black silicone. The store had the tank for a few years but never filled it with water. My question is if the tank was never filled and stored in an aquarium store for a certain time period, will the silicone go bad? I've also read pros and cons for black silicone and clear. Is one better then the other?

Thanks Everyone.

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  1. Jato460's Avatar
    If the silicone is still stretchy or not brittle It should be fine the tank I have sat empty for 10 years before I set it up and not a single leak. I would assume that black silicone is the same way.
  2. matt_longview's Avatar
    This is true for every tank ever filled... but... set it up with water in it and pumps running for a few days. Drain everything and literally pick things up and move them around checking for leaks. Your silicone shouldn't go bad, so I wouldn't be concerned. Double check anyways though. I've never heard someone say, "man... I really wish I hadn't doubled checked that."