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Mom, I found a stray and brought it home!

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So I went today for a nice walk down to the reef to get some snails and a few shells with my 4 and 5 year olds. I was more going out there because the kids were driving me batty inside the house and they love going for a walk down onto the reef at low tide and checking out all the crabs and the fish fry that are in the small tidal pools. I normally take a bucket along to collect some snails to add to my cleanup crew that normally go and either crawl out of my tank or they just seem to disappear. As we were about to head back I looked into one of the pools and noticed something moving close to the top of the water as it swam along. I at first thought it was a crab moving over some rocks until I got closer and noticed that the pool was probably about a foot deep and as much as we would like to think, crabs can not walk on water. It was a fish and one that I had not normally seen caught in one of the tide pools. It was a baby tang of only an inch in length! Having the bucket at the ready I dipped it in the pool and was able to easily scoop him/her up. Here are some pics as I could use some help identifying it. I am thinking it is a ringtail of some sort but all of the pics that I can find on the net are deceiving and I can not quite figure out exactly which species I found.

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Updated 07-11-2011 at 12:09 AM by Convict27

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  1. Robb in Austin's Avatar
    Cool find!

    Thanks for sharing...and your service!
  2. Convict27's Avatar
    Thanks Robb! The sad part was that as I was writing this blog, the little Tang did not make it. I was worried that something was wrong with it because it was swimming at the top of the tide pool and also in my tank. It seemed to be doing fine and then I looked over and didnt see it anymore and my son saw it and said that it was swimming upside down at the bottom of the tank.
  3. Robb in Austin's Avatar
    Well that stinks. I wonder if the tide pool got too warm for it.
  4. Convict27's Avatar
    The tide pools here this time of year easily reach between 85 to 90 degrees so that is an interesting theory. In all the diving that I have done, I have never seen a tang that small.
  5. melev's Avatar
    How cool! And for it not surviving.