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Bio Pellets and Alkalinity?

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I recall a thread somewhere here or from Drummer's Reef 180 build where someone mentioned that while using bio pellets they try to keep alkalinity near 8.0 dkh? Can't find the info. What was the thought behind that?


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  1. melev's Avatar
    If you let the Alkalinity rise up to 9 or 10 dKH, tips of your SPS corals may burn. As soon as you get it back down to 8 or 8.5 dKH, all is well again and the corals heal up completely.
  2. stangchris's Avatar
    with bio pellets i have run esv B-Ionic 2 part and kept my dkh at about 7.5, i switched recently to BRS 2 part but have yet to test. before adding pellets dkh ran in high 8's, maybe because i do less water changes.
  3. reefocd's Avatar
    My few SPS have closed up and I started pellets a few weeks ago. My dkh is near 10dkh. I've temporarily taken pellets offline as an experiment for cause and effect. Thanks for the input.
  4. melev's Avatar
    Closed up how? Simply no polyps? We need pictures. How much did you use on what size system? Letting the alk drop would be wise.
  5. stangchris's Avatar
    i dont think its the bio pellets, do you dose anything? making dkh rise? the pellets are not just dosing, its an actual biological filter by shutting them down the bacteria dies and if you restart them can cause other problems. they take about 4-6 weeks to "kick in" and start working, how fast are you tumbling them, reactor, pump?