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a whiff of grapeshot


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I just added a common firefish to my tank. What can I expect in terms of behavior and habits?
So far it's just been hanging out in front of a flow pump. I'm just glad it hasn't jumped out...
It's eating well and not fighting. Do they adapt well to reef tanks...?

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  1. Blake's Avatar
    Firefish adapt extremely well to reef tanks. Personally, I have two a common firefish and a purple firefish. All the experts said that they would fight however they are the best of friends and never leave each others side. there is absolutely zero aggression between these two as well. They are jumpers so secure your lids on your tank haha. These fish show little to no aggression towards any tank mates be them corals, shrimp/crabs, and or other fish with the exception that you should not ever add another common firefish to your tank since you have this little guy because they will fight. The one thing I love about both my firefish is that they stay out where I can see them all day long which is not common practice for firefish lol all other firefish i have encountered hide 95% of the time or come out in a place that you cannot see them. so, expect that of your firefish and I hope yours turn out like mine! they're one or should i say two in a million hahahaGood Luck,Blake
  2. cyano's Avatar
    when I first got mine as well as my Yellow tang I walk slowly by the tank and gradually walk a little faster and try to let them see me as often as possible, I have had my firefish for about a year with no attempts to jumps and I typically see him from the time the lights come on the in the morning till the time the lights go out, I have rearranged my tank and even moved it and he has never seemed stressed about any of that, the only thing that he didn't like was when I added my yellow tang and he hid in his hole for about a seek, I shot food in there to coax him back out and now he is no longer afraid of the yellow tang and is back out showing himself all day every day again. nothing seems to feel threatened by the firefish in my tank enough to try and scare it, in fact he shares territory with a yellowtail damsel and they do fine together. The firefish can even go where my pair of clowns has claimed with no consequences (though the clowns will only "fight" with the yellowtail if it comes into that area.)
  3. DJ in WV's Avatar
    I had a pair one jumped and other got smashed when I was reaqua-scaping to get negative( thanks Scott ) Mine never fought and did very well in the reef they pick a hole in the rock to call home they never moved very far from it but they stayed out as long as the lights were on
  4. Paul B's Avatar
    I have had dozens of them, I think they all jumped out. Great jumpers those fish.
    As long as nothing is in there to chase them, they do fine. But don't scare them.
  5. DJ in WV's Avatar
    Yea nothing like stupid look on their dried up little faces when you finally find them after they have gone missing