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Thoughts and prayers for our DFW area brethren!

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Here's to hoping Marc and the rest our reefing brethren, and of course every one else in the DFW area are ok, and get through this horrible situation quickly.

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  1. cyano's Avatar
    We are wishing the best from the northwest Georgia area. Hope all is well and whenever we can get some kind of update I am sure we would all like to know our brethren are safe
  2. melev's Avatar
    I was definitely lucky to not be affected by the storm. My home is unscathed and maybe my car, which was out in the hail while I was at an appointment today. We waiting inside and watched the tv screen for news of where the tornadoes were traveling. Two were down at the same time, one very close to where I was. And according to the 5pm news, one tornado was tracked on the ground for 30 solid minutes. I can't believe it.

    The videos you may have seen with the semi-truck trailers blowing around in the wind were rated between 6-8 tons.
  3. Hat39406's Avatar
    We had bad rain and hail here in Waco. Marc, I actually tried to call you and David W. before the tornado went in your area to warn y'all. I got no answer so I thought yall were aware and was preparing. I'm glad everything was okay.