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Has anyone tried the Leds Yet

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I have recently seen this new aquarium led light by ecoxotic. Looks beautiful on display but I have heard many things from different people that have never even own an led light system. I heard that they dont have the brightness to even make the coral grow. They will cost me over 2000 dollars to set up the system in my aquarium but i dont want to blow that money in something that is going to be useless. Has anyone here ever use leds as main lights instead of MH which is what Im running now?

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  1. Paulo's Avatar
    At other 2 site I go to, the LED systems available out the box are not adequate from what I read. But DIY systems will definately work. There is even a a post about diy here also. I wish I had time, I want to make one myself.
  2. melev's Avatar
    Yes, check out the DIY article here, as it provides some detail about PAR intensity.

    There are a lot of LED fixtures hitting the market this year, so it is definitely something viable for the future. We'll be at the MAX conference next week, and will surely see some LED lighting. Ecoxotic is going to be there, and we plan to do an interview with them.
  3. VitalApparatuz's Avatar
    M you made me nervous in "Staggered Lighting Why" when I mentioned LED moonlights .Am I doing damage ? Is there the chance of overcooking corals with those?
  4. Josediaz0311's Avatar
    Thanks and plz keep me posted on the Max conference and whats going on with the Led 's
  5. Djm's Avatar
    I am looking for led set up for my 220. I heard ecoxotic is coming out with a new pendant. Any advise pros and cons.... Need to buy lights with in the next month. I have about $3000 to spend need some help...