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Screen top and dream team

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Here is my screen top finished and on my tank. It rests level but i might modify it to add some weight.

This has added some potential to my tank, a new stocking list!

2x Maroon Clowns
1x Mystery Wrasse
2x Helfrichi Firefish
1x Blotched Anthias
1x Cave Basslet

This is my "Dream team", some may be omitted such as the Cave Basslet.

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  1. melev's Avatar
    Looks great to me!
  2. Hat39406's Avatar
    Looks very nice! It doesn't take away from the simplicity of the setup, great job! ;-)
  3. bleachandvomit's Avatar
    Thanks, I appreciate the kind words. I was very worried about ruining the simplicity as mentioned.
  4. washingtond's Avatar
    Great job and it looks very professional. I have purchased all the material just have to put it all together. Hope that it looks as good as yours.
  5. melev's Avatar
    Heck, I may even make one for my new tank after I'm happy with placement.
  6. evoracer's Avatar
    Sorry if I missed it somewhere, but what exactly did you use for material?
  7. Midnight's Avatar
    I Really the whole setup you got going on there.
  8. bleachandvomit's Avatar
    I used 1/4" clear mesh from Bulk Reef Supply, The framing and spline are from Lowes (they have a "screen" aisle for this DIY).
  9. bleachandvomit's Avatar
    Dont forget the roller tool, it helps a lot.

    Thanks midnight!
  10. michika's Avatar
    The screen looks great, it doesn't detract at all from the overall look or feel of the tank.
  11. Mostly Rock's Avatar
    I just had a nightmare of a day trying to make one for my tank. The problems were kicked off by listening to one of the Home Depot employees who told me to put back the .160 spline and get .125. I got some .140 just in case, but it was still too small. Then there were the box outs. I have things coming out of the top of my tank. I have never been huge on keeping the top of the tank free of objects. I have an overflow box, a HOB skimmer, 2 return lines and the support brackets for my lights. I have to go in for those then back out to the rim of the tank for support and to cover possible fish jump areas. I have them as condensed as I can get, but I still have spots that need corners turning in the opposite direction. I can't find 90's that go the other direction, so I had to modify them. It didn't work so well. It looked great till I started putting the screen in, then it warped out of shape completely. I'm thinking 90 degree aluminum angle brackets and aluminum rivets...
  12. Mostly Rock's Avatar
    So, I'm guessing nobody has any advice on how to overcome such obstacles?
  13. Midnight's Avatar
    Possible to make the straight rectangle that does not go past your HOB stuff then fill the gaps with small pieces attached to the main piece..
    BTW you are posting to an old thread so, you are only getting limited readers of your post...try posting a brand new blog about your cover and dilemmas and some pictures of the tank and HOB stuff and I think you will get more response.