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a whiff of grapeshot

Are you smart enough for this?

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I came across an interesting interview with Giacomo Bernardi, professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of California, Santa Cruz, while listening to one of my favorite podcast, Science Sort Of..., and I wanted to share it with community at ReefAddicts. They talk about the unusual behavior of a particular wrasse that was observed in nature. It is the first fish ever reported to use tools!
Here is the link to the podcast episode which I strongly recommend everyone listen to if your interested in fish behavior in the wild and in our tanks.

The interview lasts about 30 minutes but they cover a lot of things that would interest any serious reefkeeper. Give it a try.
Here is the video of the wrasses behavior.

Don't just watch the video, listen to the podcast! It's really great!
(Here's the link to an article covering Giacomo Bernardi's

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