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245G Stocklist Updates

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Now that my 245G has completed its cycle. It is time to add some fish. One of my goals was to keep more difficult fish. Here are the fish additions that I have made over the last few weeks.

Falcula Butterfly (Chaetodon Falcula).

Found this at one of my the stores I go to regularly. He had been there for a couple of months and has been eating mysis.

I have also picked up 2 Moorish Idols. These have been in thoughts for a while. When I see them they are usually emaciated and are difficult to get to eat. I got these yesteday and didn't feed yesterday but they were eating mysis at the store. In all honesty, these are 2 of the best idols that I have ever seen so I took a chance and picked them up.

Hawaii Moorish Idols

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  1. Workaholic's Avatar
    Nice find with the Idols, you're right they look super healthy and fat.
  2. mhowe9's Avatar
    Thanks Workaholic! Lets see how they do. So far so good.