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Quarantine tank frustrations

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I have a 30g long tank as a quarantine. I had to remove all my fish from my display tank because of ich. All that the QT has done is kill more fish. I've done my research and thought everything was going great until they started to drop off one by one.

I made sure all my levels were good before adding the fish to the QT. Water came from my display and I had plenty of extra stuff for every fish to hide in. I put an air pump on one of the decorations that had an air stone built in, and an extra HOB (with bio-wheel)filter I had running already. Nitrates are a touch high, but not deadly, no Nitrites or ammonia, alk is at 8, salinity is at 1.024 and ph is just above 8. I treated the tank with Seachem's Cupramine following the directions exactly. The copper has been at .5 and hasn't changed at all. I'm down to 3 blue/green chromis, one of which looks like he's on his way out but could possibly pull through.

I've lost:
2 Blue regals
Powder blue
6 line wrasse
2 anthias

This has been a truly disheartening and expensive experience. Enough to make me consider getting out of the hobby. Just looking for advice as to what I may possibly be doing wrong.

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  1. freewest's Avatar
    I'm not an expert, but if you think your meds are killing your fish you could try hyposalinity instead. if your nitrates are high you could also add some chaeto to your qt tank. Hopefully an expert will chime in here. Good luck.
  2. Hat39406's Avatar
    Sorry to hear that you lost so many fish. I lost a powder blue tang, scopas tang, and two clowns recently due to ich. It's heart breaking for sure.
  3. DrDelay's Avatar
    I am also treating for ich. My tank is still a new setup with no corals or inverts so i just treated my tank rather then switching them to the QT tank. When I have treated for ich in the past I have had no problems, was there any signs of an underlying bacterial infection or something? Anything that seemed unusual to ich?
  4. MarcG's Avatar
    not that I know of. I'm just leaving my tank bare for now. I'm feeding my corals every now and then and just trying to get my take stable before I try anything.