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Memphis Frag Swap

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WTMRAC (West Tennessee Marine & Reef Aquarium Club) had their frag swap today. They rented a huge building at the Agri-Center, and it provided everyone with plenty of space to set up tanks. There were at least 15 individual tanks set up, some from hobbyists, some home-based businesses and a couple of store owners as well. There was plenty of livestock to pick from.

I spoke about Pests in the Aquarium, showing image after image of baddies we don't want as well as benign good guys that are often asked about on the various forums.

WTMRAC had a food station set up, providing BBQ, hot dogs, slaw, cookies, mini-cupcakes and beverages all at affordable costs. That way no-one had to leave. A handy ATM was on site to allow people get pull out some cash for those impulse purchases.

Simultaneously, there was a Gun Show nearby so a lot of curious people came in to see what all the excitement was about. And a horse show was also going on, too. The place was busy from 10am to 4pm, when the last raffle prize was awarded. I really liked the grand prize, which was a Cardiff AIO tank, stand and sexy light fixture: The perfect quarantine tank for my fish room. No, I didn't win.

I also did a quick 5 minute promo for DFW-MACNA, and then a 5 minute discussion for everyone to seriously consider QTing their new purchases and then dipping them prior to introducing them into their display tanks. I think every frag swap should have this mini-presentation.

At the end, I ended up purchasing two acros (one for me and one for my tank sitter), and 8 little Maxima clams. I'll bring those home in my luggage tomorrow. Tonight, they'll float in Jay's tank to keep their temperature stable.

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  1. yankieman's Avatar
    Hi Marc got a question for you ,, how do you go about bringing home any corals or fish on an air plane in your luggage? is there a certain way to pack them? ,, thanks
  2. melev's Avatar
    I'm going to put them in a collapsible cooler in my suitcase. I'll check it as normal, and when I get home a couple of hours later it'll be ready to float in my system to get them back to normal temperature. Then QT for a day.
  3. yankieman's Avatar
    just wondering after the treatment our suitcases went thru last time we flew I would fear they would get slammed around to much , reason I ask is we are trying to decide if we want to drive from Illinois to next years macna or fly and how to bring home the goodies LOL ,,
  4. ___'s Avatar
    It was good to see you here in Memphis - the frag swap was a lot of fun. I enjoyed your presentation and learned quite a few things about pests that I didn't know. Hope you enjoyed your visit.
  5. melev's Avatar
    Who are you? Your username is pretty vague.
  6. FiremanReese's Avatar
    Im sick didn't know it was happening . I live in Jackson ms.
    Have learned a lot from Marc and would like to have met some people.
    Marc do you still build refugiums?
  7. melev's Avatar
    Yes, it is what I do for a living. That and selling RO/DI systems.

    I'm sorry you didn't know. We try to keep the Calendar here on RA updated with events across the nation so you can see what is going on. For any of you in a club, please be sure to send me any upcoming events. I need the information, a link to where to read more, and perhaps a picture or the club's logo artwork. I update it frequently when I come across anything, but need your help.
  8. ducklabdad's Avatar

    See I did find you!!

    I would really like to say that it was great having you here at our swap. Followed you on that "older sight" for a long time, it was Great to meet you and I really appreciate the way that you really hung with us talking to everyone and answering all of the questions that everyone had. We really appreciate your input and advice as well. I admit I needed this swap (and the skimmer I aquired) to push me into moving forward with the much larger tank I have been considering.

    Even though I admit I am still exhausted from it all, It has lit a fire back under me that I needed. We all need to keep involved in things like this to keep us enthused!!

    Hope you got your new aquisitions home and doing well.

    Please add us to your reference list!!

    Thanks Bill Hampton
    Sec/treas. WTMRAC
    Updated 10-02-2011 at 10:21 PM by ducklabdad (addition)
  9. melev's Avatar
    Hey Bill. I have a WTMRAC group on RA for y'all to use as you see fit, to share images of your events, to let others know about your club and to help them contact you with any questions.

    I do feel these events help motivate one another. The interaction helps stimulate ideas and solutions, and we continue to learn that way.

    All eight clams and the two Acros look good so far, going through an Interceptor bath for tonight. Tomorrow they'll move into the 400g, and I'll be taking pictures with my Nikon then.
  10. OneReef's Avatar
    Marc, If I had any energy left in me from this weekend, I would think of something clever to say here and razz you. But I fear reprisal of your summation of my crappy acclimation night due to exhaustion
  11. melev's Avatar
    I was wiped out too. But it was totally worth it - I had a great time. Thank you for your excellent hospitality.