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Water test today

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No, not the one you were thinking of. This was to double check my efforts from yesterday. I had to pour water on the new concrete as this helps strengthen it as it cures. I wanted to see where it might flow, and also determine what still needs to be done. This was less than 2 quarts of water poured out.

You should be able to tell that the right side is drying off while the water is pooling a little toward the left.

The water came out closer to the wall, which wasn't a big surprise. That is an area I want to shore up with the next phase.

And the opposing corner did the same, but again that was to be expected.

This is what I wanted to see. The water is going in the correct direction.

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  1. Midnight's Avatar
    Marc, I may be completely off hear but wouldn't it have been easier to do a shelf across the bottom of the stand? instead of bringing the grade of the concrete to the the stand. that way you would have had a nice slope for water to drain straight towards the French drain?
  2. melev's Avatar
    If I had placed a shelf across the base of the stand, I would sacrifice a minimum of 3" of vertical space. Additionally, the area under the shelf would still collect water until enough had leaked / spilled to eventually work toward the floor drain. This process was better suited for what was needed, although it definitely made me sore the next day.