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kileysmama's tank intro

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Hi guys! I'mAmy, from west Michigan, full time mom, part time lfs employee. My husband and I got bitten by the sw bug around 3 years ago. Since then, we've gone from a 55 gal "frankenstein" set up to a proper reef. Our current display is 135 gallons on one end of the living room. All the rest of our tanks are down in the basement. Directly under our display is a 125 gal sump and 55 gal refugium. In the utility room, right next to the filtration room, I currently have 4 30-ish gal cubes. One has our skimmer and extra live rock, the other three are frag tanks. Jon (my husband) is hooking in 2 50 gal breeders for fish broodstock tanks. I plan to house 3 pair of fish in each broodtock tank. One will hold a O&W Occy pair, a Yellow Watchman Pair, and a Banggai Cardinal pair. The other will have a B&W Occy pair, a Mandarin pair, and a Purple Firefish pair. My main tank right now holds a full mixed reef. Two RBTA's, SPS, LPS, Softies, and zoas/palys, along with a full complement of inverts. My fish are a b&w occy pair, a pair of flame angels, a blonde naso tang, a blue hippo tang, a yellow tang, a lawnmower blenny, an orchid dottyback, a mandarin dragonet, a orange diamond sleeper goby and 4 blue-green chromis. I have all of my broodstock in the downstairs tanks at the moment, in addition to an adult dalmation molly and 3 juvenile dalmation mollies. Onto some pics!

I'll have to come back and edit in some pics later. Forgot I'm on the new laptop without all my files. Oops!

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  1. drakedeming's Avatar
    Pics, it sounds like a nice set up.
  2. rarelyseriousb's Avatar
    pics. glad to see you found this place.