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T.I.B.E.T (The Incredibly Big Expensive Tank)

November FTS

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A little bit more progress has been made.

First a shelf was made in the fish room for the leg tank. Below will be the final home of the RO/DI, along with some storage space for additional salt and some bigger supplies. For perspective purposes I'm standing in the doorway, at my right is the utility sink, and to the left is the back of the tank.

Temporary home of the RO/DI. Eventually all the walls will be replaced by blue board, poly-ied, painted with heavy duty paint, and sealed.

Good old solenoid doing its job.

The pump still needs to be installed, but you get the idea of how the initial plumbing from the leg tank will work.

The start of blue boarding.

Full tank shot for November

One with the cardboard removed

You can see where the leg tank sits in relation to the display

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Tags: waterchange
Tank Entry , ‎ DIY projects


  1. brotherd's Avatar
    Very cool stand.Is the floor level?I know most of the older houses in town have crazy slopes built into the basement floor.Yours looks like it was levelled at some point previously(different colored concrete?)
  2. michika's Avatar
    We actually levelled it when the stand arrived to us in the spring. The floor still needs to be painted, but its level where the stand will be/is.