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New Additions

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Got three new additions for the tank. They are happy and healthy little guys, though their exact names I do not know.

first is this guy

then this one I think is encrusting montipora

fraggle rock guy

And yes I still have not figured out how to get better pictures despite having a great camera.

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New Additions , ‎ Photography/Video


  1. dew9000's Avatar
    Do you have your camera set to macro mode? If not that may be the problem.
  2. Hat39406's Avatar
    Nice corals Midnight! The second one might be Poker Star, an encrusting Monti. I have one that looks just like that and from researching online that's what I came up with. Check it out and let me know. ;-)
  3. Midnight's Avatar
    Dew, I am using a 100-300 telephoto lens with macro setting turned on. I am seeing a much better picture through the viewfinder than what is being taken.
  4. sedor's Avatar
    Are you using a tripod? In macro mode you have to hold the camera extremely still, this includes even holding your breath and standing still while the photo is being taking. Any vibrations can ruin the shot. But this isn't a photography thread...sweet frags!
  5. Midnight's Avatar
    Yes, using tripod and remote so that pushing shutter won't move camera. However, I did some more reading and I think I was using the wrong settings. Unfortunately my wife went on a road trip and stold the camera.
  6. melev's Avatar
    Fraggle rock is Xenia.
  7. Midnight's Avatar
    I thought it is pulsing zenia, but with so few heads it was hard for a newb to tell.