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T.I.B.E.T (The Incredibly Big Expensive Tank)

Why, what pretty glass you have there!

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Most of our glass arrived this past weekend! So the two sides, the bottom, and display are all in my basement. We're just waiting for the overflow, the back (with all its holes), and the eurobrace. It looks very glass-like. The edges are all polished and pretty.

I'm afraid to touch it though because I keep thinking of those days that I wear my glasses, and suddenly my lenses are covered in fingerprints. I do admit though to running my hands over the polished edges just to see if they felt as soft and silky as they look, and yes they do.

The guys who delivered the tank had a running colour commentary with us about whose silly idea it was to build such a big tank in such an odd old house. They were troopers, it ended up taking 4 sweaty-grunty guys to haul in each of the 10.5ft long pieces. I didn't take photos of them though because I didn't know if they want to be made internet stars, and I was also supervising the idiot-trio (see below) while baking cookies.

They gave up trying to get over/around/under the blockades keeping them from the basement and back door. Someone needs to teach this dog how to use a couch...

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  1. Midnight's Avatar
    Those are fantastic looking kids you got there. I love the shiny silky look of the chocolate lab.
  2. michika's Avatar
    Thanks! She is actually a weinreimer. She looks just like a lab, but she has a much calmer disposition. She is only 8 months but acts calm enough to be 4 years.
  3. Hat39406's Avatar
    Beautiful dogs! Glad to hear ya got some of the glass too. ;-p