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Whats the current thought to adding sand/substrate in building a Reef Tank

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In recap; I'm putting together a 120 gallon reef with a sump. I currently have about 80 to 100lbs of Crushed Coral/Argonite from when this tank was a Cichlid/African Lake tank. My LFS owner suggested I go with maybe a 1/2 inch of the Argonite/crushed coral and then add 80 to 120 lbs of Live sand on top of the substrate. Is that necessary? Can the reef survive without Live sand??? whats everyones thoughts??? can I just re-use the CC/Argonite??? I've boiled all the Crushed Coral to clean it.


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Updated 01-05-2011 at 01:35 PM by 1AaronTravels (added more info...)

Questions - Need some input


  1. RED's Avatar
    Not necessary, just get a few cups of sand from a friends tank you trust and seed your sand with it... If you have a few tanks you can get it from that will help add diversity... If not one bag should be enough to get you started.
  2. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    The live sand sold in bags is a crock. There's nothing alive worth while in it. Just use clean dry Argonite sand and seed it from another tank. If you can't get a couple cups of sand from an established tank, your live rock will eventually provide all the little critters you need.

    If you really want to start a debate, ask about bare bottom vs. shallow sand bed vs. deep sand bed.
  3. DJ in WV's Avatar
    Man!! Phil you just pulled out the big spoon