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Last update for a while

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I just have a small update that I forgot to post on reefaddicts. The project is on hold for now until my wife and I decide if we are going to move again. I found out on New Year’s Eve that I am going to be a father so the tank is taking the backseat for now.

I received my chiller which I got a steal on. I haven’t had a chance to try it out but hopefully soon. When I got it the display was not where it was suppose to be but I don’t think anything was damaged. It just sits in the opening.

Now the plan is to have the chiller under one of the 20 gallon tanks. I won’t be able to have it like this unless I cut the back out so the door can close.

I will most like keep it on the side like shown bellow. I will have two fans in the stand to keep the air flowing. I will most likely have one blowing in and one blowing out but we will see. I will install a panel to keep the warm air out of the sump area. The panel will be removable so I can access the side of the sump.

I also got my drawer faces. I bought them on ebay for 3 bucks each. After shipping the total was $22.00.

Now I need to find doors again seeing mine disappeared after UPS dropped them off at my door. Not sure if someone picked them up or what. The seller doesn’t have any more doors matching my criteria but he is going to keep a look out for me. I just got my refund today. I might just make my own doors now.

For Christmas I got three 1.5 inch true union valves as well. I think I will just have enough room to elbow the pvc to the pump but it will be tight for I have to reduce the 1.5 to 1 inch at the pump.

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Tags: chiller, plumbing
Tank Entry


  1. melev's Avatar
    Congratulations on being a dad. Now you have to get the tank set up ASAP so your kid can enjoy it.
  2. Mostly Rock's Avatar
    Exactly. My daughter showed interest in fish immediately after coming home with us. I thought she was having a seizure @ 2 weeks, but she was laughing hysterically (according to the pediatrician) at the fish. She turned 2 last December, and she knows more about fish and corals than most adults I've met outside of my Reef Club (ORCA). The tanks, and everything involved, have given us a very solid common ground to build an awesome relationship. If it weren't for the fish and corals, I would probably still ignore kids, thinking they just aren't smart enough to be real people yet. My daughter showed me, through the hobby, that she was capable of cognitive reasoning at only a few weeks old, and continues to share and bolster my enthusiasm more every day! It's also a great excuse to spend an unreasonable amount of time and money on a hobby... after all, they aren't my tanks, they're Blizzard's!