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DJ in WV

Somebody stop me

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I stoped by a lfs and found these tanks today. I was just wondering if any one has seen these set ups before. I am in the process of making room in the basement for my fish room which has been kind of slow due to me being crippled up from a work injury in 08 so depending some on a bother in law that thinks im nuts. Taking out a 5 ft thick sandstone block and dirt support wall has really sucked, but since im now retired at 36 i need to full some time so i going to get back into it with both feet. At 200 dollars a unit seems like a good deal the lighting will have to be upgraded as there is only 2 40w tube per lvl and it hasnt been drilled anywhere the overflows are not like anything ive seen before, But these do seem to be geared toward saltwater. I would use them for grow out tanks in hope that maybe ill be able to sell some live stock in future. Here are a few pic's of on going project and the tanks. Im head to lumber yard tonight to so ill be posting on a reg basis or until the wife puts a hit out on me. Bare with me i never been a blogger before so learning as I go.

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  1. melev's Avatar
    Those look like DAS tanks setups used by many fish stores. Should be fine if there aren't any leaks.

    Can you get that assembly downstairs safely?
  2. DJ in WV's Avatar
    yea i have a door in from outside and it is in 3 sections 4 ft long. He said he had them filled and there is no leaks. This place was a duplex when i bought it so both sides are mirror images i remodeled the up stairs but never did anything with the basement. Took one set of stairs out tonight only need with the wall opened up. The big hole there now is where the footer for a double sided chimney live before it was removed in the remodel. Have about 3 ft more in each direction to remove before i call the concrete truck. You know if these are usually filtered seperate or all on one system. What does the DAS stand for or is that like a build name?
  3. melev's Avatar
    DAS stands for Dutch Aquarium Systems. They own the Petorama pet store chain, and make tanks like the ones you saw as well as display tanks the people use in their homes and businesses.