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T.I.B.E.T (The Incredibly Big Expensive Tank)

Plumbing; you make my wallet cry.

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Did some shopping last night to add to my BRS box that arrived yesterday! So now I'm up to ~$1,300 spent in plumbing to date and we're only around half way in that process.

More photos soonish. I took them, and I charged my camera, but need some quality time with my laptop. I now have to go placate my wallet, whose feeling a little empty and down on itself.

Last thing that has to be done now before we can put the test water in Tibet is pour a bit more concrete in one corner of the fish room for stuff unrelated. Hoping to pick that up this afternoon so we can maybe start putting some water in this weekend.

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  1. melev's Avatar
    $1300? I realize that's Canadian dollars, but still... I thought the black PVC I bought was pricey. What did you get?
  2. michika's Avatar
    Aside from the above photo; a bunch of sticks of 1 1/2", and 2", bulkheads for hopefully everything, valves in 1 1/2" and 2", and I think thats it. Its such a small list, but there is like 12 or 15 of everything. There are also some misc. parts to connect up the hose to do the water fill and for any future drainage needs. It adds up pretty quickly!

    The above photo plus 4 sticks of 1 1/2" cost $128!

    I can practically hear my wallet sobbing in my purse right now. Although it may have something to do with the fact that I am debating ordering my Oceans Motions today, but its in a three way tie with a new oven & dishwasher, or a new engine for my project car.
  3. DJ in WV's Avatar
    I feel your pain but i can say that this is a cheap hobby compared to project vehicles, last motor i build set me back 7k us. Being a gearhead and a reefer are the same in you always want to take to that next lvl and its omg costly
  4. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Glad to hear I'm not the only one with other expensive hobbies besides reefing.
  5. michika's Avatar
    I have far too many expensive hobbies! Cars, reefing, body mods/ expensive.

    Sometimes it just takes a bit longer to get to where you going. I am super meticulous about money so hobbies only get the leftover cash after bills, retirement savings, groceries, etc.