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Early scaping trials.

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And some early Scaping attempts.
Needed something that would accentuate the tank deapth and have a 3D effect. Scap had to go higher from Rght to left so that viewing the tank from the RT side one would see an ascending structure with many of the corals still visible.
Not sure if I should still make it a bit higher than this or not. Any suggetsions are welcome.
Front View:

Rt Side view:

Lt side viewed from above

Rt side viewed from above

Top view from backside.

LT Island:
This one definitly will be a bit higher and will get a bit more creative in a couple of bridges

Middle island.
The obliquity and ascending from front to back bridge on this one should show the deaoth of the tank better.

Viewed from the RT side.

And a couple of islands on the RT side:

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Updated 05-08-2011 at 01:16 AM by maroun.c

Tank - Full Summary


  1. Midnight's Avatar
    That rock seems flimsy to me, maybe try some from the Cardboard Islands, I like the color and shapes that come from that region. other than that I think it looks great.
  2. maroun.c's Avatar
    Thanks Midnight.
  3. rick12's Avatar
    i think it looks great! good planning. i will steal the paper rock idea for my next set-up.
    what are you going to stock?
  4. maroun.c's Avatar
    Feel Free to use the paper rock thing, can't remember who I stole it from
    Tank will be an SPS dominated mixed reef.
  5. BigAl07's Avatar
    What a GREAT idea! I'm gonna have to remember that one too!

    Your "Scaping" does look awesome. I love the open look while still incorporating an ATOL type look. Depending on what coral you add where and how they grow you could be going towards a BONSAI look which is one of the best IMHO.

    Great work
  6. maroun.c's Avatar
    Thanks BigAl