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Picture update

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I've been absent for the past week or so because my family was in town. Now that things are back to normal, I thought I'd share a few images and update on how the 400g is progressing.

First off, I have to report a couple of losses. The Gudgeon Goby that I've had for the past 3 years was seen blowing around the tank last week. I don't know why it died. And Dyson, the Mimic Filefish was last seen sucking up food like spaghetti last Saturday night, and then vanished. I finally found him two days later, sucked up against the intake of a Vortech pump. This fish needs to be fed meaty foods three times a day, and I don't think I was able to maintain that quota adequately unfortunately.

Last week, I did a 100g water change. I wanted to get the rest of the saltwater out of the poly tank so I could clean it out thoroughly and plumb in the new water change system that I've been talking about for the past few months. I believe that same night I noticed not all of the biopellets were tumbling, so I upped the flow rate to get them moving, which seems to have resulted in a brown algae taking hold of the sand again. For the past 5 days, I'm dosing Hydrogen peroxide to get rid of that annoyance. In response, the gorgonians are getting really hairy.

One of the corals I got needed to grow onto some rockwork to stay positioned, and I used zipties to hold it there until the tissue would do the job. Well, I expected to cut off those ties but it may not be an option. See for yourself.

Quick reminder about Filter Sock Safety: Make sure those socks are INSIDE the sump so when they get too full and are prone to overflow, they do so in the sump and not over the edge onto the stand or nearby flooring.

And to wrap up today's blog entry, I wanted to show you the difference between two images of the same coral, taken from the front of the tank and then from above. Take a moment out to enjoy your livestock from above, because they are vastly more beautiful from that angle. This is a "Bird of Paradise" Birdsnest coral.

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  1. gist41980's Avatar
    Nice pics Marc. Question, on a scale 1-10, ten being very difficult, what would you rate your experience with keeping gorgonians? I am curious about them.
  2. melev's Avatar
    There are two kinds, light-loving (photosynthetic) and then the opposite (non-photosynthetic) that require food in the water often. The ones I'm keeping seem to be doing quite well, feeding off the particulates moving through the water column and basking in the 10,000K lighting from above. Some of the prettier kinds don't need light and have to have more food. It's hard to maintain good water quality with those types, so I don't keep them.
  3. svnloafsofbread's Avatar
    Mark, there is an easy fail safe way to avoid this overspilling if you can't get your sock inside of the sump. I just cut a small maybe 1 inch by 1 inch hole on it towards the top and then when it starts spilling out of the little hole, I know it is dirty and time to replace with a clean one =)
  4. melev's Avatar
    Great tip!