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Need Help Tonight!

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Hi All,
As most of you know... I am reefing vicariously through my son's tank. The question... he has 1 dragonnette, 1 firefish goby, and 2 yellow tailed damsels for some months now. Tonight he added two small clowns and the blue damsels are non-stop taking strikes at them. Basically the same thing happened when he added the firefish but only one of the damsels was taking the pot shots... the other seemed indifferent. Then by morning they seemed to have accepted the newbie. With the clowns, they both are behaving very aggressively. Should we separate them tonight? Put the damsels in the fuge... or something else?
Thanks bunches,

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  1. melev's Avatar
    Well, they should be able to handle some damsels, but in the end which do you prefer more? Sounds like it is time to return the damsels to your LFS.
  2. DJ in WV's Avatar
    damsels are hardy and aggressive. My first tank they were my 1st adds after the cycle they ran the tank and beat on every thing added. I think alot of people have your same problem and trying to remove them is a chore as they are super fast. I have found cardinals to be a better first choice. Good luck catching them
  3. Jato460's Avatar
    if you like damsels, royal damsels are not usually aggressive. (thats what I have)