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Update and stock question

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Well the 7 gallon has officially been of last night it has been moved from one room down three stairs to another and I can honestly say I never want to have to do that again. Unfortunately during the transition my anemone that was already looking a little ill took a turn for the worst and is no longer with us but fortunately the rest of the tank and occupants seems to be doing fine with the new location the corals are not in their final positions nor is all the rock work but for now that is how they will be staying till I can bend over again (my back has never been this soar and despite my attempts to drink enough to not care about the pain and move on I find myself sitting still.) My stocking question stems from the fact that I only have 5 small fish in my 75 gallon now (firefish, two ocellaris clowns, yellow clown goby, and a yellow tail damsel) and i was wondering what type of dwarf angels/tangs could I place into my tank that would not damage my corals or any other fish for that matter. I am looking to stock up a bit and need some suggestions on fish and shrimp (no more peppermints for me.) also I have read that people are using feeder systems but I am not sure on how they work or the types/brands also do they only apply for dried food or frozen food? any input is welcome on those as well

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Updated 07-03-2011 at 08:34 PM by melev

Tank Entry , ‎ Feeding


  1. mulebutter's Avatar
    I would recomend a pistol shrimp for your goby. I know its not a fish, but the are such a hoot to watch! Also, have you considered throwing in a wrasse (like a flasher or six line) or an anthias? Just thought id throw those out there even though you want angels and such.
  2. cyano's Avatar
    well the yellow clown goby will not pair with any pistol and the firefish is not actually a goby but a dartfish so unfortunately I have nothing that will pair with a pistol, but yes I have considered that in the past. I don't know what it is but i am just not attracted to any of the anthias they are pretty but it's like they just don't look like saltwater fish to me, I don't I know I am just weird sometimes I guess. Wrasse I have considered as well but I have read more downsides than upsides, just like how I read about the flame angel or coral beauty the people who have no problem don't have a reason to type things up about it but I have read that six lines can get aggressive towards peaceful fish. On a lighter note somehow I seem to have more rock after the move than I did before the move so I still have yet to get them stacked right. I have always loved angelfish and tangs but my tank size really limits my options according to some people and then according to other people and reading material they have different standards for minimum tank sizes, so are some people pushing the limits while others are being very generous? when you look at max sizes of a fish I have people that say "I never see them get that big so you don't need a tank that size" so thats where I stand right now with that I am happy to read any input about that as well
  3. matt_longview's Avatar
    If you're putting "will not damage corals" on your list then dwarf angels are out. I'm no expert on tangs at all. I'll leave that discussion for others. In a 75g without many other fish in there... you have tons and tons of options. I have a lawnmower blenny that I just love. Cardinals, wrasse, gobys, blennys, ect. Literally tons and tons of options. I really like to think of the fish I'm trying to keep before I ever setup anything.

    So I know I want a few tangs in my big tank... so I'm going to go 120g plus... and likely go for a 120 long so it's 5' instead of 4'. I know I want some bangai (sorry google, I may be butchering the spelling) cardinals and anthias as well. Will snag some classic cromis as well. :-)
  4. cyano's Avatar
    the angels was more of a "hopeful" I know not every angel destroys corals, but I have no idea what the percentage is for these guys. I think where I stand right now I am looking at just a couple of tang options the yellow tang (which I am still just trying to ensure will be ok size wise) and the tomini tang which is a brissletooth tang that stay fairly small (I have had a kole's tang before in here and they are closely related). After the tangs list it is safe to so I have considered now adding a pistol goby pair, finding a pistol here is the hard part, dispar or avansi anthias, and some type of peaceful fairy wrasse. Those are my considerations. Good luck keeping a bangai cardinal I have tried that a couple different times with no luck, I have heard from other locals that they usually loose 2 out of 3 bangai so i don't know if it just the supplier they have for here or if it is just the way those work but every time I have kept one it will look great and eat for about a week or two and then one day I find him laying on the bottom dead, make sure it is eating at the store before you take one home as well, it is hard to get them to start eating if not
  5. pepper'scove's Avatar

    Not really adding much to the conversation here, but I wanted to give you hope. I have a friend who has a queen angel in his 90 gal. system. He's had it for 2 years - got it as a little inch long fish - and it's fat as can be, about 3-4 inches long. Best part, it eats nothing but the food he puts in the tank. It's hit or miss, but I'm sure if you have a good pet store like we do, you'll be able to get the store to trade with you 2 or 3 times until you get a good one that doesn't eat any of your coral.

  6. cyano's Avatar
    that does give me a bit of hope on two different fronts 1. the minimum tank size requirement and 2. how it well it lives with corals I am actually looking at possibly getting a Spotted Bristletooth Tang assuming I can find one at a decent price, I am also considering a couple other options at the same time but i do miss how much cleaning a bristletooth tang does for a tank
  7. Hat39406's Avatar
    What about the Flame Angel and the Coral Beauty? I see plenty of those angels in reef tanks. What does everyone think of them?
  8. cyano's Avatar
    I have read only bad stories, but like i said the good ones aren't posted but have read an estimate of 75% of those angels being good but still having a chance to acquire a taste for corals down the road, but I would love to hear some success stories