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purple firefish pair + Helfrichi Goby pair hmmmmm

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okay so im going to make this short because i have to run to work sooo

i have the chance to get 2 Helfrichi Gobys for 80bucks, here they are normally 120 each, however in my tank (45cube) i already have a pair of purple firefish, im just thinking similar spicies+bodyshape+late addition= aggresion and dead fish, does anyone know if this will work? they are fairly pieceful fish last i checked.

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  1. bleachandvomit's Avatar
    Not trying to he a debbie downer, but in a tank that small the helfrichi firefish will be bullied by the purples and disappear. I can say this with experience. Even keeping a pair of firefish is usually discouraged because they are extremely difficult to get a "true" pair. Things always go well for months but eventually one will likely vanish forever.