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QT tank

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Hey I havet used a QT tank up untill now but I need to start.

Im looking for some advice on what the best set up is and maybe some pics and ideas of how anyone else QT there fish would be very help full.

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Updated 09-16-2011 at 05:44 PM by steve8855



  1. Blown76mav's Avatar
    I use a spare 30g tank, a HOB filter, small heater and a normal florescent light. ( No need for a special light if its just for fish) I also throw in some pieces of PVC pipe so they have some place to hide. A few days before I need it I save the water from the water changes and put in the tank, that way the water is the same as the main tank. Since I do a 3g/day WC, once the QT tank is running the water from the main tank goes to the QT tank, the water from the QT tank goes down the drain. No sand no live rock, this way if I need to treat the fish I don't contaminate anything else.
  2. melev's Avatar
    That sounds pretty good. My daily water changes for the QT come from the reef, and the new saltwater goes into the main reef to replace what was taken.
  3. steve8855's Avatar
    Thanks Ill have to mix up water as my tanks only 65g
  4. melev's Avatar
    Yes, that's the way it works.