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looking at getting a clam

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hey so im looking into getting a clam and was looking for advice on keeping one.

I have the reefbright marinland lighting is that ok?

also is there any good things that people feed them?

thanks everyone

o and is coral rx a good dip to use on them?

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Feeding , ‎ Questions - Need some input


  1. jlemoine2's Avatar
    When considering lighting for certain creatures, the depth of the tank will make a big difference. The type of clam will also make a difference. A derasa clam does not require as much light as a maxima clam, for example. Keep in mind, most popular types of clams require substantial light to survive long-term.

    After digging around a little, I found these comments on Marinelands site:

    Based on many of those comments, I would say you should not keep clams with this light fixture, regardless of the depth. At best, I would say this fixture is suitable for soft corals, and perhaps some LPS varieties.

    Other opinions?
  2. baker.shawn's Avatar
    I have to agree, your marinland lighting just isnt strong enough, as for feeding many people around here swear by reef nutrition- oyster feast, I however choose not to feed my clams and have had much sucess.
    if you are really in to the idea of clams see if you can find this book its full of great info.
  3. steve8855's Avatar
    dame that sucks i really wanted to get mor into some sps and clams i just got these lights 6 months ago i guess no kool corals for me for a few years since these say 50000 hours i wont be replacing them for at least 5 years