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Actinic pics

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So I was messing around with the camera while the Actinics were on trying to get a shot of my new browned out coral’s green tips,and also an unknown coral I need an ID on. I customized the white balance on a new white frag disk and I was AMAZED by that I saw! I never thought my camera was capable of this sorta stuff. enjoy

here is the coral i need an ID of (the orange/green one) i got it 2years ago when i was a noob, it basicly shrivled to nothing but has been recovering over the past 6months in my overflow with my chalice and zoa frags. its a veryyy slow grower, it has "mouths" amost like a chalice

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  1. Midnight's Avatar
    Isn't that what they call a blasto?
  2. baker.shawn's Avatar
    perhaps, its soo small its hard to tell,its been that size for about 4months :/
  3. Hat39406's Avatar
    All looks great Shawn! It does look like one head of Blasto. Your Acans are beautiful!