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LFS: PureReef in Alpharetta, Georgia

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Another destination stop I had to make whilst in Georgia was PureReef. It is a spacious clean store with attention to detail. The woodwork throughout the store was enviable and made the establishment enjoyable to peruse.

When you first walk in, you see the easy chairs facing the twin 400g displays. One is fish-only, the other a full-blown reef.

I met both of the owners. One told me how originally they wanted to sell furniture in the front and livestock from the back half, but with all the customer demand for aquaria-related products, the store became marine-dominated. The store opened years ago, then was sold off, and then restarted by this couple about two years ago. Lots of planning went into the current design, and it shows.

If you need dry goods, odds are they've got it. Even the higher end products are in-stock.

Who's going to buy this tank?! How about a cuttlefish tank held up by mermaids?

The corals and invertebrate tanks were clean and had a wide selection. Note the woodwork over these open systems.

The Live Rock bins contained spray bars to keep the rock wet and clean. The owner told me this way they could see the rock more easily then they would in water that clouds up after a few rocks are moved.

Their quarantine system and filtration looked picture perfect.

The work station for bagging was neat & tidy.

This is the refill station for RO and saltwater refills. The jugs fit into this drip pan that drains out of sight.

As we leave the store, here are some images from the reef tank.

Did you notice the chiller?

Another thing to point out: Near this tank are two more water sources to perform water changes without having to roll barrels all the way to the back of the store and back. Great planning!

If you'd like to visit this store, here's the address and phone number:

12900-B Hwy 9 North
Alpharetta, Georgia 30004

(770) 754-7971

Check out their website for additional detail:

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  1. losbeek's Avatar
    i think i have to move to georgia for the lfs. the two u have shown appear top notch
  2. brotherd's Avatar
    Is that a large turf scrubber in their sump next to the Lifeguard filters?
  3. Hat39406's Avatar
    Beautiful woodwork throughout the store. Owner must be a trim carpenter.
  4. Jnarowe's Avatar
    major cash for that place. wow!
  5. Midnight's Avatar
    Marc, how was the pricing for the two stores that you showed us. We don't have anything even close to those in Charlotte.
  6. melev's Avatar
    I only had time to visit, take in all the details that I could and shoot as many images as possible. I didn't get around to any pricing.
  7. mhowe9's Avatar
    Holy crap ... we don't have anything like that around here. Both stores were extremely impressive
  8. joeogio's Avatar
    i think it was a algal turf scrubber back there! love the store i wish there was a store like that where i live. maybe i should open one . there is a pretty nice store in Knoxville TN, which is about a 1.5-2 hr drive for me. but still doesn't quite compare with this one
  9. aqua-nut's Avatar
    RE: Mermaid tank
    Looks like they are ready for Elvis to return!

    Both of the Atlanta stores are WAY above anything I've seen in the SF bay area. Prices don't seem bad. The only one I could read was on tenth pic, 3" clam for $19.75. Or was that $1,975.
  10. melev's Avatar
    I think those are item numbers, actually.
  11. aqua-nut's Avatar
    Oh drats. You are right. I see a Acro 'for' 2802. That would be a VERY odd price. Time to clean my glasses. And cancel my move to Atlanta.