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last blog on my 70g

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well the time has come to upgrade.......... i have been slowly gearing up and getting equipment ready for my new tank oceanic starphire 150g tank 60x24x24. i will be combining my tank and my girlfriends tank i only have 6 fish a lot of coral and she has about 10-12 fish(more on that when i do build thread for it). so heres a pic i took 3-4 days ago of the 70g, i should be taking it down in a week or so. im excited and anxious as i know stuff will "pop" hopefully the move is smooth.

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  1. baker.shawn's Avatar
    your girlfriend has a tank!! shes a keeper!
  2. stangchris's Avatar
    yup we are addicts together, since I don't have room for the 150 she has graciously agreed to take hers down and combine. looks like ring shopping after the tank is set up lol
  3. Blake's Avatar
    how long have you had that clown tang?
  4. stangchris's Avatar
    2 months eats everything even bryopsis and hair algae lol. hes a lil bossy but that was to be expected. i got him knowing he would go into the 150.