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Let's See Those FTS' for June

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Come on Reef Addicts, let's see those Full Tank Shots for June! Post your pictures in this thread.

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  1. baker.shawn's Avatar
    I would just like to thank Hat for the monthy motivation to clean my glass
    as you can see i still havent fixed my white balance and my water was uber cloudy from feeding

  2. Midnight's Avatar
  3. Hat39406's Avatar
    Haha Shawn, glad I can give ya the motivation! Your tank looks awesome too!

    MidNight, ya tank is coming along nicely!
  4. blakew's Avatar
    Hair algae free version!
  5. Midnight's Avatar
    Hey blakew that looks nice. It looks like you have the same nutrient export that I had on my old tank: xenia. That stuff is nasty to get rid of, and it wouldn't allow my algae to grow in the refugium. I finely had to let the rock go water less for 3 day and let it cycle to get rid of it. However, you may like it and as long as it doesn't spread through the whole tank you should be OK.
  6. melev's Avatar
    Here's mine.

  7. cyano's Avatar
    Updated 06-03-2012 at 11:02 PM by cyano
  8. melev's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by cyano
    You can't link an image from your email attachment. It needs to be somewhere. You can upload your image to the Gallery area if you like, and link from there.
  9. blakew's Avatar
    @Midnight: Yeah, I was warned about the xenia becoming a weed, and only added it because of the movement it had at the LFS...I was warned it was a weed, but didn't listen (40/40 hindsight and all). I'll be doing what I can to remove it prior to placing this rock into the 75 (up to and including putting the rock in bleach or vinegar and starting over with dead rock). Another possibility is to only put the rock without xenia on it in the main tank and put the rock with xenia on it in the sump and let it die out, but I'm not sure if the little xenia heads could break off and end up in the main tank. Yet another option is to use all marco dry rock in the main tank, break up the rock from this tank with ricordeas on it and glue those pieces to the marco rock after the tank has cycled, the rock with xenia on it would be left in the 29 as a quarantine tank until all the fish are in the 75, then that rock would be taken out and cleaned with bleach or vinegar to kill it, prior to putting it slowly piece by piece into the sump or breaking it up into rubble. There's only one piece of rock that worries me because it has some nice ricordeas on it as well as some xenia and I don't want to kill the rics. The other rock with rics on them don't have any xenia so far. After nearly 4 years (checked records today and realized the 29 was set up in Sept 2008) I want to step up to some encrusting montis and some LPS corals with the rics and zoas placed sort of in a "softy low island" at the bottom of a "channel" between two larger rock islands, LPS on one side of the tank and SPS on the other side of the tank. We'll see how it goes, but the first step is to get rid of the weed xenia in the new tank. Good luck to me, haha.
  10. blakew's Avatar
    @melev: I love the color combinatiion of your school/shoal of anthias and chromis...amazing how full a 215 looks when it gets filled with livestock out of a 400. Your forced "temporary" tank looks so much more colorful than my full time tank.
  11. Hat39406's Avatar
    Hey Blake, glad to see the hair algae gone! Tank is looking good.

    Marc, your livestock is looking heathy. I'm glad you are using a tank this time around.

    Cyano, your tank is also looking good, but where's the fish?
  12. Hat39406's Avatar
    Come on Reef addicts, let's see those FTS'!! Even if you posted to ya blog you can still post ya pics here. That would make it easier for people searching for great reef pics.


  13. MarcG's Avatar
  14. Paul B's Avatar
  15. Hat39406's Avatar
    Marc G. And Paul B., y'all both have awesome tanks that inspires me! Thanks for posting ya pics.